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“I just want to prove that my body, whatever it looks like, can do these amazing things.” – Laura Horvath

What is your relationship like with your body? Is it a strong and healthy relationship? Is it on the rocks or shaky one? We all go through so many different seasons of our lives and our bodies change with us through every one of them. The seasons where work is crushing us and it feels like we don’t have the time or energy to dedicate as much energy as we would like. The season where we’re turning the page and getting a little bit older and wiser and also wondering if our bodies will be able to do the things we could do when we were younger. The seasons where we add children or a family to the mix and we challenge our bodies in one of the most incredible ways we can. 

The relationship we have with our bodies is probably one of the most complex ones we will ever have. There are days and weeks where it’s going well and then others times where it’s not going so well. We are conditioned and shown what “ideal” aesthetics are on a daily basis, and it can really distort how we think about ourselves. This week the quote is from the Fittest Woman on the Planet, Laura Horvath, during her post game interview. She doesn’t look like some of the other athletes on the field. She highlighted that her goal is not to look a certain way, rather prove that her body can do amazing things regardless of what it looks like. This was a really powerful statement for women and men who may be unsure of their relationship or unhappy with how they look. Is there a different perspective that we can take when it comes to how we see ourselves in the mirror. 

Shifting our approach and focusing on the incredible things our bodies are capable of, can help us develop a sense of pride, accomplishment, and gratitude for what our bodies do for us. Noticing how strong, how coordinated, how balanced, how athletic we can be and what we can demonstrate in the way we workout, play with kids, or scale hikes and mountains is a beautiful reminder that our bodies are incredible. While the mirror and our minds may play tricks on us, when we take a step back and remember what our bodies have been through and how they continue to help us get up each and every day and move forward, it can create a sense of appreciation. 

Laura sent a strong message to everyone, and wants all of us to notice what our bodies are capable of, continue to be grateful for them, and challenge ourselves to see what is possible. 

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