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“Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire, and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame, and complain.”

One of the hallmarks of having a Growth Mindset, which means believing that our skills and abilities can improve, is how people respond to other’s successes. When conducting research to better understand why it is that some individuals continue to learn, grow, and advance, it was found that those who celebrate the accomplishments of others, and look to them as a source of motivation excelled far more often. 

Embracing a Growth Mindset that builds others up and continues to challenge our own potential, is also a trait of successful teams and organizations. When everyone is striving and pushing forward, collaborating and learning together, it can fast track the progress we are seeking. Watching someone else accomplish something that we too are working towards, can give us the insight into how they did it. Sharing in their joy and cheering them on gives us a sense of what is possible.

While on paper it may sound easy, embodying this mindset is challenging. All too often we may get frustrated or resent what others are able to achieve. We come up with reasons for why it can’t be true, or we allow what others do to deflate our own belief of what is possible for us. This is why finding an organization for work, a community to be part of, or a group of friends can be so difficult. We can so easily get wrapped up in our own goals and achievements, that we are threatened by others.

Success can only be defined by each individual person. We know that successful people do build each other up, motivate and inspire one another. It’s why you see people after each workout cheering others to finish, high fiving and giving out fist bumps, because we can all achieve success in our own way together. It’s one of the most powerful reasons why people join or stay in a CrossFit community is the support and camaraderie that is experienced each and everyday in the gym. 

This week let’s all strive to take on a Growth Mindset by building each other up and being inspired by what others are able to accomplish which can help our own belief of what is possible for each of us. 

Sharing is caring!