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“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” – Voltaire

It is officially starting to look and feel like fall around here with temperatures starting to drop and the clocks turning back one hour. Whenever this time of year rolls around, it can be really easy to avoid the darker, colder classes for a warmer cozier inside. I definitely experience the same thing. It’s hard to want to go to work in the dark, come home in the dark, and workout in the dark. It’s an almost like it’s a test of the habits we have been building over the spring and summer to see if they are as rock solid as we imagine them to be. 

When we feel that the changing of the seasons and temperatures get us down, here are a couple things we can focus on to help us stay on track with our fit lifestyles. 

1) You’re not alone and there is a community around you. Classes  have other members in them and a coach ready to help encourage and support you. Remember showing up is the win, and getting movement in each day will go a long way. 

2) We’re built to do difficult things. We workout when it’s 100 degrees outside, and we workout when it’s 30 degrees outside. We can handle tough and challenging moments because we are built to do so. 

3) Progress over perfection. It can be really easy to want the perfect weather, the perfect set up, the perfect equipment, or the perfect conditions for our lives. The goal is to move the needle forward 1% to the lifestyle we want to live. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and we can focus on the progress we’re making. 

Let’s attack this week of darker evenings by showing up for ourselves and others to continue improving our health and fitness. 

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