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“Fall in love with the process, and the results will come.” – Eric Thomas

We all enjoy the results of the hard work we put in regardless of the area of our life: working hard in our careers and receiving a raise, promotion, or bonus; building our resilience and being able to handle the difficulties that life throws at us a little easier; spending time and energy on projects around the house and then enjoying the finished work. When we get to the destination, we get to enjoy the view and appreciate what we have done.

The destination is what draws many of us in. We want to earn a certain amount financially, we want to drive a certain car or own a house, and we want to feel and look a certain way with our bodies and health. All of these outcomes are useful in driving us towards certain behaviors. 

What is interesting is that even when we achieve certain milestones in our lives, there can be times when we sit back and think to ourselves, “Is that it?”, or maybe, “What’s next?” It’s the sneaky challenge with being focused only on the outcomes. 

Another approach can be to focus our attention and energy on the process that it will take to reach the destination. It’s something we hear many coaches say time and time again to their teams. If we can enjoy the journey and enjoy the work, then we will find that this can be a reward in and of itself beyond what our efforts deliver. 

Falling in love with the process means that we look for and find the joy in what we’re doing: in the struggle, in the small wins, and in the letdowns. It means that the small, daily choices get us excited. The process is where the magic happens. When we align our efforts and actions to the type of person we want to become, we will achieve the results much faster and be proud of who we are in the process. 

This week, let’s see if we can fall in love with the process of showing up and bringing the best version of ourselves as often as possible. 

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