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“You will always be your biggest fight.” – Anonymous

This weekend is a fun one for collegiate sports fans because it is referred to as Rivalry Week. It’s the time when schools play some of their biggest rivals, and fans can earn bragging rights for the full year. The rivalry mentality typically brings out the best in teams. They bring a little more energy, focus, and attention to detail in these games. It’s the same type of experience many of us feel when we are striving towards a goal we have. Whether it’s a work goal, a performance goal, or a fitness goal we want to beat the goal. 

The rivalry mentality typically is focused on other people and how we can stack up against them. We want to sell more, earn more, lift more, and move faster than them. What if we shifted the focus of our rivalry being against others, to ourselves? What if we we took that same focus, energy, and enthusiasm towards others, and invested it in ourselves? 

When we look at our day to day, we quickly realize that if we shift our focus to striving to be better than we were yesterday, that is biggest game that matters. Can we improve in our relationships, our work, our mindset, and taking care of our health? It starts and ends with you. The rivalry becomes the person you want to be vs the person that you currently are. It’s about the small decisions we make that help us improve 1% each day.

For this upcoming week, see if you can notice and build a rivalry between who you are and who you want to be. Get excited for the potential of what you can accomplish and who you can be. Leverage Greater Culture and your community to support you, because we will always be rooting for you and here to help in anyway we can. 

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