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“It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

What a week it was at Greater Culture. We’re in the middle of our retest weeks, and watched athletes push themselves and accomplish new feats. We set a new record of athletes in the garage for a workout without being able to go outside :). And we were able to relax and enjoy the community. None of these moments would be possible without having the courage to walk into the gym and start the journey. 

The quote for this week is a nice reminder that while it may seem overwhelming, scary, or intimidating to try new things or challenge ourselves, it really is the same amount of courage whether it goes well or doesn’t go the way we want. We talk about how doing hard things in the gym can lead us to be more confident in moments outside the gym. We build the courage and confidence to put a new weight on the bar, push ourselves a little harder at the end of  a workout, or try a new movement and it cascades to the other aspects of our lives. 

While we want to be successful in all that we do, the truth is that there will be moments we fall short. Even in these moments, having the courage to get back up and try again is a skill we learn over and over each day in the gym. Let’s keep testing ourselves, building our courage, and knowing that whether we’re successful or not, it’s about stepping into the arena that matters. 

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