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“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” – Booker T. Washington

Who is your hero? Who is someone you look up to and inspires you to be a little bit greater. We all have people that inspire us. It could be a favorite super hero from a movie, a character from a book, or perhaps a parent or loved one. We have seen the videos and stories of people who are able to accomplish or overcome incredible odds with the life they live. We know how powerful being inspired can be to create meaningful life changes.

It’s one of the main reasons why Inspire is our fourth core value at Greater Culture CrossFit. While the first three values center around our ability to personally progress and move forward, our fourth value directly speaks to the culture and community aspect of our brand. We want to inspire others and be inspired by each other every day.

Think about why you workout and put an emphasis on your personal health and wellness. Is it to be a role model for your kids or family? Is it so that you can be a better leader in your work? Is it so that you can make an impact on other people’s lives? All of our motivations are different for showing up to the gym each day, and we can all be inspired by the effort, attitude, and approach each member takes when they walk into the gym. How many times have you driven to the gym and got out thinking, “I don’t really want to be here right now.” We all have. And then class starts, we find the energy and our engagement changes because of everyone else there. 

You can find inspiration in a variety of places. It can be immediately around you with people you know. It can be from the books, movies, and YouTube stories we see that are based on true events. It can be seeing your old self compared to your new self and how much change can occur. Regardless of where you find your inspiration from, let’s all inspire each other and those around us to know that health and fitness are not reserved for the select few. As we work on ourselves, it is evident to those around us that they can accomplish great things too. 

This week let’s all find what inspires us, and remember that we inspire those around us by how we show up, work hard, and have fun. 

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