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“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Do you ever find yourself looking at the destination or where you want to go and thinking to yourself, “how am I going to get there?” Whether it’s thinking about the best route while you’re driving, saving up for a vacation, a job promotion, or retirement it can be overwhelming to consider all the things you may have to do to accomplish the goal.

The same is true with our health and fitness. We may have performance goals of lifting a certain amount of weight, aesthetic goals of looking a certain way, or certain bio marker goals such as improving blood pressure or resting heart rate, and we can look at what it will take to get there and end up throwing in the towel before we even begin. 

The quote for this week from Mark Twain is a simple reminder that in order to progress or move closer to our destination, the secret is simply to get started. Taking the first step can sometimes be the most challenging one. Making the decision to look at your finances, put a workout on your calendar, and prep a meal ahead of time are the choices that move us 1% closer to the where we want to go.

For this week, let’s have the courage to get started and focus on the small meaningful moments that will stack up and help us on our journey towards the destinations we set. 

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