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“‘The world will ask you who you are, and if you don’t know, the world will tell you.”
– Carl Jung

I’m currently working through a new book titled, “The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying What Other People Think of You.” It’s by a sport psychologist who I greatly admire. The main premise of this book is to explore the concept of FOPO (Fear of Other People’s Opinions). The psychologist has a theory that this is one of the most debilitating perspectives that we face, and it keeps us from actually achieving and living the life we want. 

When we start to look at the ways we adjust our lives, avoid certain situations, or are unable to perform the way we want when it matters to us, we start to realize that there are many times we are worried what others may think of us. We avoid challenges because we don’t want to look foolish. We think that others are constantly judging us, and because of this we play it safe.

The quote for this week talks about how important it is to know who we are. If we know who we are, then it can give us the confidence to show up in any situation and be our best. We don’t have to get caught up in what others may say or think about us. Being able to bring our best self to any situation is a skill that we can develop and refine. It starts with knowing who we are, and is built by having the confidence that we have the skills to navigate any situation without the need for other’s peoples approval. 

Let’s attack this week with the certainty of knowing who we are and what we are striving towards. 

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