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“Your brain is wired for movement.” – Dr. Kelly Starrett

Summer is a favorite season for many people. The nights are longer, the temperatures are rising, and we tend to see more vacations and beach time. It’s no wonder why people look forward to this time of year over others. It also means that we can very easily get sidetracked when it comes to our health and fitness. It’s so much easier to enjoy more social nights out, good food on vacation, and those PR blizzards. Is it bad to enjoy and indulge a little more often in the summer? 

We believe that there is a balance, an ebb and flow to our goals and intentions when it comes to our overall health and fitness. There are seasons when we have the time and energy to commit to our movement, nutrition, and recovery, and then times when it is less of a priority. We know that it isn’t always the big behaviors that we engage in each day that help us to prioritize our fitness, rather it can be the small daily actions that help the most. 

It’s one of the reasons we are going to be having fun with the July Lifestyle Bingo challenge. While our schedules may get crazier, we can still work on our movement, nutrition, recovery, mindset, and community engagement with small daily behaviors. The goal each week it to take on and try different actions and see if they help with your overall health and happiness. Some actions you may really enjoy, and others not so much. Our hope is that you become a researcher of your pesrsonal experience for the month of July, and figure out what things really do help you live a happier, healthier life. 

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